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Gold Pass Rules

The Gold Pass is transferable and may be used by anyone the owner designates.  It is understood that everyone who uses the Gold Pass is aware of the rules and procedures for using it.  Any abuse of these rules and procedures will result in the Gold Pass becoming invalid, with no restitution to the owner.


1. Access may be limited or unavailable due to COVID-19 and is subject to capacity limitations, reservation policies, closures, or any other restrictions in effect at time of redemption.


2. The Gold Pass may be used by only one person per day at participating ski areas. At many ski areas, members may scan their Gold Pass at the lift for direct access to the mountain. At ski areas where direct-to-lift access is not available, bearer will be issued a one-day lift ticket valid for all lifts. Bearer may obtain one lift ticket at only one ski area per day.


3. The issued lift ticket is non-refundable and, under no circumstances can it be given away or sold.  Misuse of the Gold Pass will result in the pass being revoked.


4. The Gold Pass may be used 50 times per season at each of the participating ski areas.


5. The Gold Pass may not be commercialized in any way, such as being offered as a bonus in connection with the rental of accommodations.


6. The Gold Pass may not be resold to another individual.


7. The Gold Pass will not be honored for summer activities.