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The U.S. Para Snowboard Ski Team is built around one common goal—provide the right resources for athletes who are inspired to be the  Best in the World!

Salt Lake City, Utah
Nevada City, CA
Fredericksburg, Virginia
Basalt, Colorado
Frisco, CO
St. Cloud, Minnesota
Winter Park, Colorado
Salt Lake City, UT
Silverthorne, CO

What is Para Snowboarding?

Para snowboarding shares multiple events and a lot of the same skills that are showcased at the Winter Olympics every four years.

Snowboarding officially became a Paralympic sport for the Sochi Games in 2014. Now every four years, athletes from three different classifications compete in two different events to try to earn a spot on the podium. 

There are two events in para snowboarding, banked slalom and snowboardcross and three different classifications for Para snowboarding: UL, LL1 and LL2.