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Central Division Alpine Projects

Rocky-Central Alpine Projects

Purpose Statement:
To produce the best alpine ski racers in the world at the developmental, sub-national team level by offering complementary cooperative training with Tri-Regional, Rocky/Central Regional, RMD & Central Divisional and club training programs/plans.

1. To assist management, athletic training, and competition performance programs of the top R/C Regional Athletes.
2. To establish and conduct an athlete talent detection and development system that tracks and measures the performance and performance characteristics of top regional racers at various chronological points in their ski racing development.
3. To contribute as productively, professionally, and fully possible in the achievement of the US Ski & Snowboard Mission of being the best nation in ski competition in the world.



R/C Regional, RMD, & Central Division Projects

National projects can be found here

All Project dates are subject to change


2022-23 Projects:

Central Division GS Tech Camp 2022 Dates- (Dec 27th-28th Races 29th-30th)

Location - Mont Ripley Ski Area, MI


Central Division U12 SPEED CAMP 2023 (January 4th-5th)

Location - Granite Peak Ski Area, WI 


Central Division U14/U16 SPEED CAMP 2023 (January 3rd-5th, Race 6th) 

Location -Snowriver Mountain Resort - Wakefield, MI 


Medical Release Form


U18 RC Mt Hood Camp

U16 R/C Mt Hood Regional SL Camp!


U14 Mt Hood Camp

U14 R/C Mt Hood Regional SL Camp!


U18 Mt Hood

U18 R/C Mt Hood Regional SL Camp!


Rocky/Central Regional Projects

Regional contacts for camps

Rocky/Central Development Coach, Kristina Revello  435.714.2471
Rocky/Central Development Director, Darlene Nolting  435.640.8510
Central Division Manager, Patrick Mich 435.602.2614


Mr Heater