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Cross Country Level 200 Coach Certification

XC Level 200 Coach Certification


my.usskiandsnowboard portal


Step 1 - Sign In to MY.USSKIANDSNOWBOARD.ORG with your current membership username and password.





Step 2 - Select the Coaches Education tab in the MY.USSKIANDSNOWBOARD toolbar.

Step 3 - Register for Level 200 Course Click the RED REGISTRATION BUTTON at the bottom of your screen

You will pay $270.00 for the online course and in-person assessment

Please email the Sport Education Department if you have any questions.

*Note that the option to register for L200 will not appear until you have successfully completed all requirements of Cross Country Level 100*

Welcome to the Cross Country Level 200 Course:


The purpose of this course is to prepare you to effectively plan and lead phase 1- 4 cross country athletes in training sessions and to positively engage athletes in competition. To start the process, you will need to upload verification of your pre-requisites - the current first aid/CPR certification and Heads-Up concussion training. Then, you will be taken through a series of sport-specific modules covering the topics of equipment, technique, training, and competition.  Once you finish the exam that tests your knowledge on the information that has been presented, you will attend an in-person assessment in a location of your choosing.  During this experience, you will present your coaching abilities within the fundamental technical and tactical aspects of cross country skiing. During this in-person assessment, you will be assessed on your ability to teach, demonstrate, and analyze several fundamental cross country skiing skills that relate to phase 1 - 4 athletes. When you successfully complete all sections of the course, you will attain your Level 200 Certification.

In addition to the one day in-person assessment, your coach developer will be contacting you to schedule a pre-webinar and a post webinar meeting to review the information presented in the course, set expectations for the in-person assessment, and wrap up the L200 experience.

Now it is time to explore this training course. Visit each section of the course and complete all the activities.

We are excited to have you embark on your coach certification pathway. Your investment in creating a coaching standard is ensuring that our athletes receive the best training experiences and outstanding support during both training sessions and competitions. Thank you for helping U.S. Ski & Snowboard achieve our vision to be Best in the World in Skiing and Snowboarding!

This section provides a summary of your course experience and outlines the activities that you will complete as you navigate through the course.

Step 1: First Aid/CPR and Heads Up Concussion Course Confirmation: In this step, you will upload your certificates to verify that you have completed both your First Aid/CPR and Heads Up Concussion training.

Pre-Meeting Webinar: Coach developers will contact you and schedule a pre-meeting webinar to complete the following items:

  1. Introductions, welcome, overview
  2. Review expectations, grading rubrics, and criteria for candidate evaluations. 
  3. Review content from eLearning modules
  4. Conduct a content review to check for understanding
  5. Review plans for the in-person one day coaching assessment (See Itinerary)


The Portfolio: In this course, we will teach L100 candidates how to utilize the activity to deliver the answers to the coaching portfolio. Through this experience, you will learn how to set up and manage your portfolio that you can share with your coach developer and apply when working with your athletes, parents, and clubs. 

Step 2: Here, you will dive into the sport specific content that covers the equipment, technique, training, and competition elements of your coaching role and responsibilities.

Step 3: This step provides you with the study guide and exam covering the coaching content provided in this course. The exam will not open until you finish reviewing the course content and complete your portfolio posts. You must pass this exam with a 80% before the option in Step 4 will open for you to select the location for your in-person evaluation.

Step 4: Here, you will sign up for your in-person assessment and review the grading rubrics that provide the information on how you will be evaluated during this experience. It is important to note here that it is highly recommended that you get out and practice these skills before delivering them in front of your coach developer.

In-person Assessment ITINERARY 

Step 5: This step provides the course feedback survey and the course certificate. We have made the course feedback form a mandatory activity because it is important to us to know what you enjoyed from this course experience and what you think that we can do to improve.

Post-Meeting Webinar: Coach developers will also lead a post webinar wrap up with the coach candidates. Coach developers are expected to complete the following items during this wrap up session:

  1. Review course content to check for retention.
  2. Point candidates to the forum to continue to connect with the community.
  3. Provide time for a Question and Answer session.
Level 200 2022-23 in-person assessments

Dates and locations will be added as they are confirmed throughout the season. 

Course Link: 

Date Location Coach Developer Contact Information Spots Available
10/01-02/2022 Dublin School, NH NENSA Bryan Fish 14 of 15
10/21-23/2022 CXC Conference - Cable, WI Bryan Fish 12 of 15
10/26/2022 Park City, UT Bryan Fish 15 of 15
12/18/2022 Bozeman, MT Adam St. Pierre 10 of 10